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Replacing or Repairing? How to Know What’s Best for Your Roof

A homeowner usually prefers replacing a roof when remodeling a home. But, what about issues that arise randomly. Is replacement the only option? How about repairing the roof? You might get confused with these questions. But, do not worry; we are here to help.

We will discuss the factors that tell whether the repair is the better solution or replacement. We will also offer tips on how to make the right decision. Let’s begin.

The age of your roof

A roof made up of asphalt shingles will last 15-20 years. Replace your roof if it has crossed this period. You can expect it to be okay for 40 years if you have chosen the finest quality, heavy shingles. Well, they are more expensive than the regular ones.

Damaged shingles

In many cases, only a few shingles are damaged. Therefore, you need not worry about replacing the entire structure. A reliable roof repair service provider will simply replace the missing shingles. You can save a lot of money if you choose the right firm.


If you notice leakages around some areas, you can go for repairs. Leaks around the chimney and leaks around the pipe boot are two common signs that repairing your roof is sufficient. But, again, you should hire a reliable roof repair company.

Replace in case of extensive damage

The roofs face heavy damage due to extreme weather. Hails, storms, and tornadoes can lead to extensive damage. In such scenarios, replacement is the only option. Even if the damage is moderate, many homeowners choose to replace their roofs. They understand that they don’t have to call the professionals for repair jobs regularly.

The Verdict: The repair and replacement depending on the condition and age of the roof. Plus, it depends on the intensity of the issue you are facing. If you are still unable to decide, hire professionals to check the condition. 

Trust the team of Seacoast Roofing and Exteriors for repair and roof replacement. Get more details from here: